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21 December 2011

6th November 2011: Autumn in Broadbottom

Although I'm over a month late in posting all these pics, it was a big day for me as I decided to put my camera in manual mode and learn to use it a wee bit. Fortunately, the light was amazing so I got some good shots.

For those of you that don't know, Broadbottom is a wee mill village between Manchester and Glossop. I love the place a) because it is home and b) it's pretty beautiful once you get to know it c) the lady in the post office does brill caramel shortcake. Anyway, here are some pics of the surrounding area.

In the woods

Moss and oak

20 December 2011

A Favourite Photo

Nikon D3000 ; F/4; ;1/100th ISO400 

I just love this picture. It looks like still from a Spike Lee film! This was taken at the demo during the Tory Party Conference on the 2nd of October 2011.

15 December 2011

Kirkland's Portraits

Street Photography in Manchester

Amy W

At the Tory Conference (but not in)

The BMX National Series at Platt Fields


My Neighbour Doodle

A South American Busker in Manchester

At the Tory Conference Again

Jez H

Jez at the BMX Centre

James outside the Buddhist Centre

James and Laure


The Tory Conference Again

12 December 2011

RIP Brian Whipp

It's not often I'm saddened when someone dies, especially as it comes to us all, as sure as we are all born. I just read that Brian Whipp has died. He was an eminent  physiologist who played a huge role in developing the understanding of oxygen uptake kinetics we have today.

Although I always struggled to understand his papers his acquisition of knowledge in this area has probably taught me more about exercise intensity, and indirectly training prescription, than anyone else. I never actually met the guy but once saw him at Physoc and it was more exciting than when I met Kevin Keegan.

Scientists like Prof. Whipp are the real superstars of the world!

07 December 2011

Has Bean Rwandan Kigoma Review

I must be getting really say but I was very excited to have a new coffee to try this week.

It was the Has Bean Rwandan Kigoma fully washed red bourbon. 

I've not got a grinder at work so bought it ground for french press. Hopefully Santa will bring a nice Japanese Porlex grinder. Immediately on opening the bag, a sweet aromatic juicy coffee smell filled the office.

It tasted even better than the smell once the water temperature had dropped over a few minutes! Sweetness like I've never tasted in a coffee.....figgy syrup (like I put in my porridge) Sooth, rich and balanced, hitting all the right notes. Acidic zing on the tip of the tongue but sheer richness further back in the mouth. Has Bean mentioned lemons and limes but I only got the limes!

This is simply the best french press cup I've ever tasted! I love this coffee! 98 outta 100!

04 December 2011

North Tea Power: My Favorite Cafe

Manchester.... a coffee desert or is it?

It’s well over a year since I developed a passion for coffee. The seed was planted by my old mucka Amy, who is now back in her native New Zealand. I’ve always enjoyed a good cup of coffee and fancied a machine; initially I was going to go for a Rancilio Silvia but Ames convinced me to go for a La Pavoni.  I curse her some mornings as it’s probably one of the toughest machines out there to achieve consistency with. Still, it looks amazing, with real care and attention I can get decent results as long as I buy good beans. Some may say it's not a machine for the beginner but hard lessons are usually the best. Who ever learnt about coffee using a bean-to-cup after all? 

An espresso from my La Pavoni

One of my initial problems was that I didn’t really understand what exceptional coffee tasted like and I didn’t know of anywhere in Manchester to find out. Luckily I’m up in Edinburgh quite a bit and had heard that Wellington Coffee in George Street was good! first visit was amazing; they use Square Mile Beans and the guy that pulled my shot was supposedly a top barista. I didn't take notes at the time but remember a fruity sweet explosion of taste and me being excited for ages afterwards. The experience was similar to the time the Dutch cheesemonger in  Canterbury unwrapped his gouda  from a linen cloth with real pride to give me a taste of the most wonderful sweet, slightly acidic cheese I've ever tasted.... anyway I digress

Then I went to Artisan and tasted and found that their coffee was quite different, richer darker roast, Andronicus in Harrods where the barista was rubbish but the beans exceptional, Monmouth was OK but you can't judge quality with one cup.... but nothing in Manchester!! Well that was until I saw the North Tea Power sign. Call me a fool, but I wouldn't normally link a cafe with tea in its name with great coffee. 

Yeah but there is an oasis!

My first visit to NTP back in August was cool. Simply, I got a warm welcome and the coffee was miles better than anything I’ve had in Manchester before. From memory I think they were using Has Bean Jailbreak which was pretty good. Since then I’ve gone about once a week and really enjoy my visit. It’s run by Wayne and Jane who are cool and they’ve got pretty good staff too.... in fact big Al did the best V60 I’ve tasted.

The staff

 Wayne makes the place for me as he always has a chat and he’s so passionate about the quality of his coffee. A few months ago he was going through the process of getting Steve at Has Bean to do an NTP blend and it was great to be asked what I thought. I loved the 1st blend iteration which was light fruity and slightly acidic but maybe not the best choice for the general coffee drinking population of Manchester. The current NTP blend is really good but I’d need to confirm what was in it. 

An NTP espresso
In my line of work, I’ve come across my fair share of high achievers and one common theme with them is that they all have OCD to a lesser or greater degree. It’s almost a prerequisite to achieve exceptional results in most fields and I think Wayne’s attention to detail could get him up there.  One day my espresso was far from perfect, I even tried another one just to make sure......something was wrong! I said to Wayne that something was up....he looked sad. The following week he confirmed that he thought so too and had gone through everything and only after stripping down the Mazzer had he found the problem. Back to having really good espresso.

The next step

Since getting into my coffee, espresso has always been my tipple of choice. That was until Steve Leighton from Has Bean came to NTP to do a talk and tasting. He was serving 3 ways the El Salvador Finca Argentina beans grown by Alejandro Martinez in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec Mountain range.

Steve Leighton

Steve is my kinda guy. He really cares and is passionate about his product and the growers that he trades with. Quality is everything and he travels round the world to get the best. His hands gesticulating to extenuate points, especially when describing different flavours or tastes.... (some people say I do the same....yeah yeah) I think Steve should replace the Olly the wine buff on Saturday Kitchen. Coffee is much less pretentious than wine and far cheaper. Yeah, popping a cork is easy, but the path of least resistance rarely results in the most pleasure....good coffee is like that.

So time to talk about coffee, all from the same Finca Argentina bourbon bean but processed differently to produce quite different tastes:

1.  The washed bean, filtered by the Has Bean's roaster. This was a nice coffee...I got a real liquorice taste, with a maple syrup sweetness and a tad of acidity on the tip of the tongue. It was really good but lacked a slight amount of was refreshing though and may even be nice when iced.
2.    The pulped natural bean which was most people's favourite. It had a more treacly feel in the mouth, it was very sweet, just a hint of acidity/citrus orange. I often struggle with pour over or filter coffee because it can lack body when compared with espresso but the pulped natural was different... it was deep, rich and a few described as earthy. Steve mentioned "strawberries covered in dung but in a nice way". This was exceptional coffee!
3.       The natural somehow excited me more than the 1st two. It was very acidic/metallic and had a slight feel of alcohol to it. I described it as tasting like a 90% chocolate and it really got my mouth reacting in the same way as when I had an IPA beer from the USA earlier in the evening. Yeah coffee number two was probably better but this one seemed to provoke more of an emotional response from me.

We then tasted a cascara which is a fruity infusion made from the normally discarded part of the coffee plant...Steve warned us that it had a particularly high caffeine content, which I'm fealt 3 hours later... poor night of sleep for me. I think I liked it but maybe it's place isn't during a coffee bean tasting. Still, I'd happily pay a few quid for a bag.

A cascara brewing

Why is this the next step you may ask! Well, this evening at NTP opened my eyes to not only drinking espresso. I’m getting well into V60 now. It’s a far more subtle way to make coffee but in most instances it also opens up far more taste sensations. My last blog or my blip here says more.

A Final Word

The start of a V60
I would love my own cafe. I’ve learnt loads on what it takes to have a really good cafe from of the product, attention to detail and putting the customer first. If ever you’re in Manchester, this should be your 1st port of call.

 Sponsored Link:
Nice coffee machines here!

02 December 2011

A Day Trip to Liverpool

Coffee First Thing
I was excited this morning as I had a new bag of single estate Nicaragua Finca Los Miligros beans to try! They were only roasted a few days ago so I may well have been better off waiting another few but it was all I had!

Having a day away from the office was great as I could relax and pay attention to every detail, letting my Pavoni get up to temperature, measuring exactly 16g, tamping evenly.... My first pull of the lever felt good straight away; just the right resistance. Wow....I could see the crema building up only as it does with young beans; slightly too light with not quite enough tigering  but spot on 30ml.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating though, or drinking in this case. I think Steve at Has Bean's taste buds are similar to mine. I wrote down buttery caramel before I looked at his description but his of butterscotch is possibly more succinct. I also tasted supermarket plums, you know... the ones that never quite get ripe enough, sweet(ish) and a nice balance of acidity. My 2nd , as always with the Pavoni, was at a higher temperature....I had tamped a little harder and added a few more degrees of fineness on my grinder to little effect. There was a real tobacco after taste which I quite liked though.

Overall, I love this bean! For some reason I prefer single estate to blends for my espresso and I think I have found the perfect one to keep me happy for a few months.

To Liverpool
I always enjoy a day trip to Liverpool, especially Tate Modern. Today had added incentive as I was dying to try out Bold Street Coffee and their new pop up shop in Duke Street. Wayne at NTP had recommended them and I'd seen good reviews. I had also joined their Facebook page and bike club and was feeling a bit of a fraud having never been.

As ever, Liverpool was freezing and grey but at least it was dry. I had my camera and was determined to keep it in manual all day which I did. This couple were interesting so I took a quick snap.

27 Duke Street

As it was freezing I was dying on a coffee to warm me up so headed off to Duke Street first. Ohhh No! It was empty but I wasn't going to let that stop me. They had 3 El Salvador coffee's on V60 but I chose the San Rafael Bourbon. By the time it was served another few people had come in so it felt more comfortable.

The coffee was of a very high standard but maybe not  my favourite style. It was rich and nutty....getting sweeter as the temperature went down and with quite low acidity. I do prefer lighter, fruitier and more acidic coffee so its no reflection on the barista's skill that it wasn't my fav. I chatted away for a wee bit with the Barista who runs transition espresso; she was really nice and we talked about various coffees and cafe's in London and Edinburgh. They also has Aeropress coffee makers and Porlex ceramic grinders for sale which were very tempting but I'm hoping one or the other may fall down my chimney in a few weeks so I resisted. Overall, I really liked this cafe and would certainly go back.

I'm All Shook Up!!!

Tate Modern

Off then to Albert Dock and Tate Modern. Did Elvis the Pelvis once go to Liverpool? I played about trying to get a nice pic of the statue in the docks and the one on the right is about my best one. My fingers where white with cold at this stage.

The Christmas Alice in Wonderland exhibition looked good, that was until I was thrown out for not buying a ticket. I wandered round for a bit and decided that I must do a photo project to copy the style of the Gillian Wearing prints that I really love. I played around with taking pics of the sculpture below that was in the Philip Treacy exhibition; this is one of the best but I've used another one for my blip.  I think this looks nicer than the one in the catalogue too!!
Don Brown : Yoko VIII

Bold Street Coffee
I was excited about coming here as it's already built the reputation of serving the best coffee in Liverpool. It was really busy when I got there and I just managed to get a seat.

I ordered a the Sumatran Takengon Gayon fully washed V60 as it was too late in the day for an espresso and they didn't have the Ethiopia Shakiso that I fancied. Again, it wasn't quite to my taste but it would make a great Christmas coffee with the deep tobacco and spice taste. I love what Steve does at Has Bean but just cant't help preferring Square Mile. Maybe because it's double the price and I've not discovered my fav Has Bean coffee yet.

I can't fault a cafe with a bike on the wall though and the carrot cake was excellent. It was just a wee bit busy to be a relaxed experience so when I visit again it won't be at peak time on a Friday.

The Walk to the Station
On the way back to Lime Street I wandered into this strange place full of weirdo shops. I took a picture of this old boy in a ganja pipe shop. He just kept on reading his paper. As I was taking the pic, a drunk said hello to me then asked "are you American?" to which I replied "no, I'm Scottish" to which he replied "I fucking hate Scottish people" and he walked away laughing!!! Ha ha!!

Anyway, that's all from my day.....just a selection of my fav pics below!

Shall we Dance? Think Yul Brinner.......



Weird Place

Can I feel a draft?

I've lost my head! Is it here?

Just a nice pic